AKP Law Firm visited the Erdenet Mining Corporation with JBCM Members on May 27-30
Within the framework of cooperation between Erdenet Mining Corporation and the Japanese Business Council of Mongolia (JBCM), JBCM organized a business trip to the Erdenet Mining Corporation on May 27-30. As a member of JBCM, AKP Law Firm also joined the business trip and visited the main factories in Erdenet city, along with other business entities. Our business trip was led by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia Kobayashi Hiroyuki and representatives from the Japanese invested companies who carry out the activities in the sector of construction, banking, electronics, engineering, trade and services, education, and health We visited the Museum of Erdenet Mining Corporation and Erdenet's open pit mine, concentrator, repair and mechanical plant, and trucking workshop, Erdenet Medipas Hospital, Erdmin LLC, Erdenet Carpet JSC, and Erdenet Meat Market LLC.