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09:00 ~ 18:00



Legal Newsletter №44 (2024 April)

Энэ хуулийн зорилт нь уламжлалт мал аж ахуйн салбарыг уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн сөрөг нөлөөллөөс хамгаалах, малчдад учирсан эрсдэлийг бууруулах арга х...

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AKP succesfully participated the discussion about draft revision of Forensic Investigation Law.

The Government submitted a draft on Forensic Investigation Law on March 11, 2022 and discussion of this law was held on November 7, 2022. In this disc...

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AKP participated to the Japan-Mongolia Business Forum-2022

In the framework of 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Mongolia, the Embassy of Japan, Representative Off...

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AKP participated in the discussion on "Legal issues on non-material damages in Mongolia".

The Mongolian Bar Association and the Association of Mongolian advocates jointly held a forum on "Legal issues on non-material damages in Mongolia" on...

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AKP successfully participated the “Unleash Summit” October 01, 2022.

The Unleash Summit 2022 organized by the Asia Leadership Development Network was successfully held on October 1. The conference, which is being organi...

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AKP Law Firm visited MAK Group along with JBCM members on 24-26th of September

On September 24-26, AKP Law Firm successfully participated in a business trip organized by MAK Group and the Japanese Business Council of Mongolia. Re...

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AKP Law Firm visited the Erdenet Mining Corporation with JBCM Members on May 27-30

Within the framework of cooperation between Erdenet Mining Corporation and the Japanese Business Council of Mongolia (JBCM), JBCM organized a business...

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AKP participated to the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Business Council in Mongolia on March 18, 2022.

AKP Law Firm joined the Japanese Business Council in Mongolia in August 2021 and participated in the Council's first general meeting held on March 18,...

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AKP conducted a session on the New Labor Law of Mongolia to the Ulaanbaatar Business Council

AKP conducted training on the New Labor Law of Mongolia, enforced from January 1st, 2022, for the member organization of the Ulaanbaatar Business Coun...

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